Larry Parks Interviews James Rickards. An attorney by profession, Mr. Rickards has over three decades of experience in capital markets as a counselor, investment banker, and risk manager. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community and major hedge funds on global finance and served as a facilitator of the first ever financial […]
Larry Parks Interviews James Rickards about THE DEATH OF MONEY
Larry Parks Interviews Prof. Mark Skousen re Structure of Production
Some of the topics discussed include GDP inadequacies and BEA new statistic that Dr. Skousen has been promoting for more than 25 years, Gross Domestic Expenditures, GDE. John James Cowperwaith, who administrated Hong Kong after WWII and his view that statistics should not be collected vs. the utility of government statistics. That waste and losses […]
Larry Parks interviews George Gilder about his book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing Our World
Gilder explains his take on how capitalism produces wealth and how our economy can reinvigorate itself to produce a higher standard of living for all people. Discusses what he calls “surprise elements” and entrepreneurs. Gilder discusses the central role of entrepreneurs in society as necessary to improve the standard of living for all. Explains how […]
How Real US Money Became Bogus, aka, Fiat, Money
United States Silver Money This is silver money. It is in fact and in law a one dollar coin as provided for by the Coinage Act of 1792. It is in conformity with the dollar referred to in the 7th Amendment to the Constitution. This is not a dollar. It is a promise to pay […]
Larry Parks interviews Fred Sheehan about Panderer to Power: The Untold Story of How Alan Greenspan Enriched Wall Street and Legacy of Recession
Larry Parks interviews Fred Sheehan about his book Panderer to Power about how Alan Greenspan, as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve helped lead us to economic ruination. Get Panderer to Power Support FAME
Larry Parks interviews Matthew Bishop, NY Bureau Chief, THE ECONOMIST about his “In Gold We Trust?: The Future of Money in an Age of Uncertainty”
Larry Parks interviews Mathew Bishop, NY Bureau Chief, THE ECONOMIST about his new book (with Michael Green) In Gold We Trust? The Future of Money in an Age of Uncertainty. States Mr. Bishop: ““Let’s have a look at the history of money. Let’s have a look at the role that gold has played in it. […]
Larry Parks Interviews Ralph Benko
Ralph Benko, at the recommendation of then-Commissioner Lewis E. Lehrman, was called by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to testify before the United States Gold Commission in 1981 on the constitutional history of American monetary policy. He published thereafter on that subject in the New York State Bar Association Banking, Corporation & Business Law […]
Larry Parks interviews Seth Lipsky, Editor, NY Sun, “It Shines for All: The Gold Standard Editorials of The New York Sun”
“This brilliant book is The Federalist Papers for a gold standard. It succinctly, dazzlingly – and convincingly – makes the irrefutable case for re-linking the battered dollar to gold. Alexander Hamilton would have been impressed – and you will be, too.” — Steve Forbes “Classics of the editorial writing genre — just in time for […]
Larry Parks interviews Seth Lipsky about his book “The Citizen’s Constitution”
Larry Parks interviews Seth Lipsky about his book The Citizen’s Constitution. Pocket versions of the Constitution of the United States of America abound, as do multi-volume commentaries, scholarly histories of its writing, and political posturings of various clauses. But what if you want a delightfully quick, witty, and readable reference that, in one compact volume, […]
Retirement At Risk
Dr. Larry Parks, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education describes why the United States retirement system is in danger of imploding and how gold can mitigate the disaster that is awaiting the Baby Boomers and countless others. More Information can be found from Larry Parks HR1098 Congressional Testimony 9-13-11 To […]