Free Trade Principles: The meaning of free trade is that trading partners should be able to trade lawful goods and services in fully informed voluntary transactions without hindrance or subsidy. When Adam Smith in his seminal The Wealth of Nations circa 1776 and classical economist David Ricardo in his On the Principles of Political Economy […]
When is “Free-trade” not Free-trade? When it’s done with fake, a.k.a., “fiat” money
Larry Parks Testifies Before the US Congress
On ……………. include verbiage from House Hearing Page + images Larry Parks HR1098 Congressional Testimony 9-13-11
Larry Parks Interviews Hon. David Stockman re his book The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
Some of the topics touched on include: Was Reagan a fiscal conservative? Did we have free market capitalism, or was that just spin? Was political control of economy really cut back under Reagan-Bush or was that spin? Is the Federal Reserve a symptom of crony capitalism? Fiscal stimulus, monetary central planning, bailouts. . . is […]
Larry Parks interviews Lewis Lehrman re
For more than 40 years, Lewis Lehrman, Co-Chairman of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, has taken a leadership role in promulgating gold as money. Here, he discusses overcoming objections to eliminating paper money, e.g., that we cannot have gold-as-money because: financial markets are inherently unstable and we need paper money to periodically bail […]
How Real US Money Became Bogus, aka, Fiat, Money
United States Silver Money This is silver money. It is in fact and in law a one dollar coin as provided for by the Coinage Act of 1792. It is in conformity with the dollar referred to in the 7th Amendment to the Constitution. This is not a dollar. It is a promise to pay […]
Six Reasons Why Promoting the Gold Standard is a Mistake
Promoting the “gold standard,” even with modifiers such as “classical,” “pure,” “100%” and others, or any monetary regime whereby paper money is “backed by,” “redeemable into,” “pegged to” or in any other way related to gold is a mistake for six reasons: The gold standard is not authorized by the Constitution. The only money authorized […]
Issues Relating to Manufacturers
Hard to believe, but if you are reading this (and you are a manufacturer in the United States) you are one of the lucky ones. We still consume, but we no longer build. How and why that happened is a story in its own right. “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the […]
Labor & Union Issues
Labor, Unions and Workers know they have been swindled, their pensions jeopardized, and a lifetime’s work placed at risk. The last time American workers were faced with fixing their financial system, American Labor called for a fair and honest monetary system, enjoyed broad public support, and worked to achieve it. The ensuing prosperity lasted more […]